Sepeda ini kalau dilihat sangat unik bentuknya, kalau dipikir ” Maksudnya apa nih di buat sepeda model kaya gini ?? orang kurang kerjaan aja…apa sepeda ini di ciptakan untuk menimbulkan suasanya romantis”. karena model tandemnya  sejajar seperti dua sepeda yang di gabung menjadi satu sehingga pemiliknya bisa leluasa menaikinya, Apalagikalau satu orang bakalan ga bisa mengendarainya?

Sepeda tandem kembar

Tampak samping

Bos tengah besar


Kontruksi as belakang

Kontruksi rem depan

Nomor Rangka

Fork bawah

Tampak depan

Rangka tengah

Tampak belakang……benar-benar kembar

61 thoughts on “SEPEDA TANDEM KEMBAR

  1. UNBELIEVEBLE !! Handelmaatschapij Nijverheid, so made in Holland, I never saw a bicycle like this before !!
    I think it is beautiful build with many special made parts and it looks to be still in a perfect shape !
    It must be very difficult to cycle on this thing.
    What will happen when one person’s wants to go to the left and the other one to the right !? haha, it is a wonder this bicycle survived all those years without crashing to a tree or having another fatal accident !

    It could be very old, who found it and was it complete and in good shape or is is completely restored ?

    This must be a real eycatcher in a historic bicyclemeeting.
    An amazing machine,


  2. Alexs,
    I think it is a Tandem for a man and his wive, only they sit not behind, but next to eatch other.
    I saw something similar, but these had 4 wheels, in fact it looked like two bicycles connected to eatch other.
    But something like this with only 2 wheels, I now we Dutch can be stupid, but this is a very weered machine, haha !

    “Handelmaatschapij Nijverheid”, I have never heard of it, “Handelmaatschapij” means something like “Tradecompany” so I don’t think it is a bicycle factory-name.
    But when I look at all the special parts that are nessecary to build such a bicycle, I don’t think it is the only bicycle that is build like this.
    Maybe this Tradecompany ordered a number of these bicycles by a bicycle-factory in Holland and let their own badges put on these bikes ?


  3. Seia sekata, sehidup semati, dan jalannya pasti selalu bersama gak boleh kesana dan kesini…..tak tambahi mas joko..satu lubang berdua.

  4. wow…salut buat pak Azhar kendal..bisa mempertahankan keaslian tandem unik ini…
    gimana sejarahnya tuh pak???..warisan,konservasi,apa hasil buruan?

  5. mr koopmans…

    i think it’s so nice if u can upload pict of the same of nearest model of tandem bike in holland,and the story of its factory..
    i really intersted in tandem bike..
    could u share specific information about old tandem bike..n when the phenomena of this model come up in holland?

  6. Mr,Andre

    (I think it is a Tandem for a man and his wife, only they sit not behind, but next to eatch other.)

    It’s mean that’s bike only for romantic couple….ha..ha.

    I think this bike is special order / limited edition ,and it wasn’t mass product, etc : bicycle circus with one whells.

    I already tried it alone but not successful. Than I tried again with my skinny friend and the bicycle unstable..ha…ha.. So it needs stability and ability to ride this bike.

  7. saya punya hanya gambarnya saja seperti ini tapi merk nya columbia…sayang blog ini gak bisa ngirim gambarnya langsung

    mungkin buat pembanding saja.
    Hebat bisa dapat sepeda dlm kondisi seperti ini

  8. Someone recognised this strange bicycle on the forum of “de oude fiets” !
    It is a Rudge, made in England and probably ordered by the “Handelmaatschapij Nijverheid” !
    It is certainly not a circusbike or something, but a seriously made bicycle.
    Rudge sold more of these things in England, and we laugh about it, but these machines are realy made for a “romantic couple” !
    Look at the next website;

    Than fill in (search) ; “wartime rudge”

    And you will see the “romantic couple” riding on this thing !
    It is very rare nowadays, I would be very happy to own such a rare “tandem” !

    adi mc crawl; I am sorry but I don’t know much about old Tandems.
    The only Dutch (made in Holland) tandems I know are the old Gazelle tandem (I owned one but sold it) that Gazelle started building in 1934 until the war, and the beautiful Fongers Tandem.
    These tandems are sometimes for sale on here in Holland.
    After the war several bicyclefactorys in Holland made Tandems and they still do make them, but these are much lighter and more modern build, so I find them less interesting…
    On my Flickr-photo’s you can see two old tandems that were present on the “Norgtour 2007” of “vereniging de oude fiets”.
    One of these is very old and can be steered from the back-place !


  9. I put this bicycleon on the forum here in Holland and got some reactions.
    Sjoerd ter Burg on the forum of “de oude fiets” recognised the bicycle !
    It is a Rudge, made in England and probably ordered by “Handelmaatschapij Nijverheid”.
    And it is no circusbike or some other joke, it is a seriously made bicycle, no limited edition !
    We laugh about it, but Rudge realy made more of these bicycles for romantic couple and also sold them in England !
    Look at the next site;

    than search on; “wartime rudge”

    You will see two pictures of a romantic couple on such a bicycle !

    I do not know a lot about old (made in Holland) Tandems,
    The most populair two are the heavy tandems of Gazelle and Fongers that were made from 1934 until the war.
    I once owned a 1934 Gazelle-tandem but I sold it because I had no place for it, they are so big and heavy.
    You can see a few photo’s on my Flickr-photo’s I made during the “2007 Norg-tour” of “vereniging de oude fiets”.
    One of these is very old and has the steering from the backplace !


  10. wah, berat badan masing2 harus sama ndak ya, kalo ndak sama bisa jatuh mungkin ya..?
    baru liat saya speda seperti ini… selamat pak Azhar,….. sepeda yang amat langka ni…

  11. akhirnyaa…keluar juga ini sepeda, bagus dan langka banget memang…, ayo pak azhar, keluarin koleksi yang lainya…biar yang mlongo makin buanyak…hehe…, buat daerah lain jangan mau kalah, koleksinya ditampilin.., jangan diumpetin aja..

  12. Pak Azhar, kalau mau dijual sepedanya, saya beli body yang sebelah kanan saja ya pak? boleh dong Pak??? he…he…he… atau yang kanan berapa harganya dan yang kiri barapa harganya… kalau saya ngak sanggub dengan harganya, nanti saya bagi dua dengan mas Alex, he…he…he…

  13. Wuah3x… sepeda yg sangat ayu dan romantis…
    Cocok buat pasangan suami-isteri, apalagi yg masih pengantin baru…
    Rasane aku kepingin mengayuh sepeda tandem kembar ini bersama isteriku tercinta, sehidup-semati… seia-sekata…hingga akhir hayat nanti…
    Kapan yoo aku bisa melamarnya…
    salam kenal,
    den Bagus – PODJOK

  14. itu beneran asli bos….???
    klo bener asli aku ingat 1 pepatah pak bondan prakosobuat sepeda ini..:
    “Top Mar kotop Good Mar so good”

  15. Kalau boleh saya berpendapat, itu sepeda tandem bukan untuk beromantisan suami istri
    Menurut situs kuno yang pernah saya baca, sepeda itu diciptakan untuk touring jarak jauh, saat orang2 jaman dulu mau berpindah tempat dari 1 negara ke negara lain, atau kalau para hooligans inggris mau nonton tim sepak bola kesayangannya main di belanda, jerman atau di spanyol bisa berangkat ngonthel bareng-bareng
    Kalau Cerita buyutku dulu, sepeda tandem itu di indonesia disebut “sepeda gotong royong”, saat yang satu ngonthel..yang satu bisa istirahat, leyeh leyeh, ngerokok jedal jedul, plonga plongo, monthak manthuk, ida idu, minum clegak cleguk….lha pas saat yang ngonthel capek bisa gantian nggenjot..huakakakakakak
    yang jelas saat jalan menanjak..yo kudu bareng ngonthele..iso krenggosan cak..
    Tapi yang jelas salut bgt, ternyata orang indonesia masih mempunyai harta warisan sejarah yang masih terawat dan patut di banggakan
    Btw pak Ashar dulu beli sepeda itu dengan harga berapa?

  16. siang..mas..wah liputannya apik2 mas, aku pemula mas..ya ampun mas….. td pgi pas aku sarapan aku melihat tkng kerupuk yg pki sepeda d tmpt kerjaan aku
    pas aku amat2ti gir and batangan belakang ja gk da depannya, ternyata punya BSA masya allah mas …barang antik kok di jadikan seperti itu weleh2…mohon yg menjual and mempreteli seperti itu harap ngaca diri wong sepeda antik itu diperlakukan seperti sampah..

  17. mas menir heru…
    maksute sampean itu piye tho?
    aku gak paham je…
    coba kmu jelasin keprihatinanmu dengan bahasa yang gak disingkat-singkat

  18. Memang yen urusan antik2 kan sepeda pak azhar emang paling TOP….de’e ki pit merk gazelle malah rak tertarik…de’e ntes wae tuku gazelle sing selebore krom..lanang…edan…jare de’e tuku 23….tapi rung ono sewulan mlah dituku wong 27 jarene….yen sepeda ning duwur kui jare meh tau dijoli innova tapi pak azha wegah…dee wis sugih…kan pegawe BRI….saiki malah de’e entuk neh gazelle edan…slebore tumpuk….de’e segala onderdil sepeda duwe kabeh…tapi ora oleh yen dituku….de’e duwe cycloide kruisframe full ori yen 5 toh ono…pit-e de’e emang edan2…aku sampe gumun dolan ning omahe….

  19. Sepertinya kalo pakai satu orang sepeda ini ga bs. Karena stirnya ada dua, yg satu belok yg satu belok kemana2.. Jd hrs berdua bawanya..

  20. Maaf rumah bapak azhar dimana ya sekarang, saya cucu nya Dr gan sing bie saya mau lihat sepeda kake saya waktu saya kecil dulu di ajak naik sepeda

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